
I wish I could write something light as a dream, like a dollop of cream on a mousse.

I wish I could make your today go okay, to help you get a little bit loose.

I wish there were something I could do or say to whisk all the bad shit away…

My wishes express the hopes that I have that can’t be condensed on a card.

My wishes for you come down to the fact that I wish life wasn’t so hard.


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8 responses to Wishes

  1. Paul says:

    Perfectly said.

  2. Judi says:

    Thanks Craig. You’re a poet and I didn’t know it. 😊

  3. Rob says:

    Thank you! In your direction as well.

  4. Gavin Larsen says:

    You just did all of those things you said you wished for, or all but the one about whisking all the bad shit away. Thanks, Craig. 🙂

  5. Eric says:

    And right back atcha, buddy!

  6. Craig says:

    Thanks all, it’s good to connect with you.

  7. Mary says:

    May all your good wishes come true for you.

  8. Robert says:

    Hi Craig,
    Thank you. Lots of things can’t be put on a card. I love you guys very much. I do look back and see the friendships that I have and the nice furniture I have built with great satisfaction and affection. The pieces I did for you are right at the top of my list.
    Much love,

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